“Digifest 2019”

Find us at the 9th Computing at School Festival (www.digifest.info), an annual educational event where students present their digital creations. The 9th Digifest took place in Heraklion and other Greek cities between the 11th and 13st of April. In support of this...

“A treasure is hidden in the city of Heraklion!”

A treasure is hidden in the city of Heraklion! 40 teams are searching for the treasure hidden in Heraklion. Our partners, Kastrinoi Peirates are hosting the event, which is a part of the annual treasure hunt taking place in Heraklion. In continuation of our...

Treasure Hunt meeting and testing

On Saturday, 15 December, our lab met with the team “Kastrinoi Pirates”. During the meeting we presented our game “Find a Treasure”, discussed details about hidden treasure games and did a play test. The conversation was very fruitful, while the test revealed the...