Content manager for serious games

Content manager for serious games

We are happy to announce that our research paper “Content manager for serious games: Theoretical framework and digital platform” has been published in the journal Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research. Read the study Abstract: In education, digital or...
Adaptable EduGames Platform presented at ICERI2021

Adaptable EduGames Platform presented at ICERI2021

Our paper “Adaptable EduGames Platform, Allowing Educators to Customize Games”, was presented during the ICERI2021 conference. The paper talks about a platform we have created where educators can customize the educational content of games, to better suit the needs of...

Accepted paper for ICERI2021

We are proud to announce that our paper about the creation and dynamic loading of educational content into digital environments has been accepted for the 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, ICERI2021. Our work will be presented...

Paper Presentation

Our paper “Transforming Classic Learning Games with the Use of AR: The Case of the Word Hangman Game” will be presented at the Human Computer Interaction International conference, on Tuesday 27 of July 2021,  10:30-12:30 (EDT- Washington DC). Conference Website Read...